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wood knife display at ADE

Wood Knife & Dagger Stand

    5"H, holds 2
    Oak 1 $34.00
    5"H, holds 2
    Walnut 1 $39.00

    Wood dagger stand. Holds 2 knives or daggers.

    Additional Information

    Displaying Swords, Knives, and Daggers

    Collectable and decorative swords come in many shapes, sizes and styles. There are Ninja and Samurai swords, Chinese swords, Middle Eastern swords, African swords, Broadswords, Persian swords, Roman swords, European Medieval swords, Scottish swords and Knight swords, Viking swords and Celtic Swords, and American military swords just to name a few.

    Swords are a popular collector’s item and there are a number of ways to display them. A typical material for a sword stand is wood, and often a wall mount is used. Some stands are a bit overpowering and bulkier than they need to be.  Art Display Essentials  offers a couple wood display options. They also have a clear holder that come in three sizes; 3”, 6”, and 9” high. These stands are sold individually so the collector can customize their display to the arrangement that is best for their needs. For example, you could use one shorter and one taller to hold the sword on an angle, or three across for longer items. You can also use taller ones in the back to hold the sword and shorter ones in the front to hold the scabbard, to give a tiered effect.

    To achieve a specific angle or to display the sword vertically you can have a custom mount made specifically to hold the sword just right. 10-31 Inc. has been mounting swords, daggers, and knives for over 25 years. They carefully mount each piece with just the right proportions and finesse giving it a very clean and professional look.

    Another alternative for mounting daggers, knives, or short swords is to do it yourself. Art Display Essentials has stock “T”-arms, “double T”-arms and “H”-arms that can be used for that very purpose. They come as a basic “T” with one top crossbar or a double “T”, which is one top crossbar and a lower bar. The other is the “H”shape which has the top bar with another smaller crossbar on each end. You can bend these arms around the piece to hold it in place. The height of the post could be adjusted by removing it from the base and cutting it, although you would need a good pair of cutting pliers. The double “T” would be used for holding a knife or dagger vertically where as the “H”-arm would be used more for a horizontal or angled display.

    You can see these armatures here:


    For a stock knife stand Art Display Essentials has an acrylic one which can be seen here:

    There are also small easels available for the smaller knives seen here:

     Some sword types:

    Prehistoric Swords, Egyptian Swords (Khopesh), Iron Age swordsAncient Greek and Spartan Swords, Makhaira Swords, Falcata and Kopis Swords, Classic Hoplite Sword, Early Celtic Swords, Acinaces (Persian short sword), Swords of the Roman Legions, Gladius swords, Spatha swords, Viking sword , Khmali sword, Arming sword, Longsword, Estoc sword, Two-handed claymore sword, Curtana sword, Sabina, Medieval Swords, Side Swords, Rapier swords, Smallswords, English Mortuary Sword, Sabres, Sword Canes, Renaissance Swords, Zweihänder, Flamberge, Basket-hilted swords, Broadsword, Schiavona, Mortuary sword, Backsword, Katzbalger, Cinquedea, Executioner's sword, Swiss sword, Medieval Falchions, Eastern Scimitars, Cavalry Sabers, Smallsword, Colichemarde, Sgian-dubh, Spadroon, Karabela, Szabla, Shashka, Pulwar (Afghanistan), Shamshir (Persia), Talwar (North India), Kilij (Turkish), Mameluke sword (18th to 19th century Egyptian), Flyssa (19th century Algeria), Kaskara (19th century Sudan), Nimcha (18th century Morocco), Shotel (Ethiopian scimitar), Takoba (Tuareg sword), Balisword, Bolo, Buntot Pagi, Dahong Palay, Dha, Kalis, Kampilan, Klewang, Krabi, Pinuti,  Pirate Sword, Katana swords, Ninjato swords, Gongfu Style Swords, Jin Shi Swords.

    Other Resources
    Three acrylic stands in front of a white background
    starting at:
    Price: $16.10-$17.54