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A graphic of an acrylic display mount
A graphic of a PYR Necklace Display

Necklace Display PYR

Item #: PYR2

Availability: In Stock
Usually ships In 1-2 Business Days

  • Striking presentation
  • Aesthetic display area
  • Display capacity for three necklaces

Price: $13.80




     Price Each 


    PYR Necklace Displays are acrylic mounts designed for the display of three long necklaces. They are comprised of a single sheet of clear acrylic that is 8.5” wide that is bent near the bottom to form a stable horizontal 4” base and a striking angled vertical 11.75” display. The top of the acrylic is raised into three tiers, which serve as the perfect display place for three long necklaces on one single mount.

    *Note: Acrylic scratches easily, handle with care. We carry plastic cleaner for removing scratches, which can be found on our plastic cleaners page.

    Further Inquiries:
    For further inquiries, please feel free to call us at (800-862-9869) or email us. Our team has been fabricating custom artifact displays for 35 consecutive years and has over 150 years combined of experience in the field of artifact display and is well-equipped to answer questions, offer advice, and provide support.

    Acrylic mount in front of red background
    starting at:
    Price: $14.95
    Plastic cleaners, polishes, and polishing cloths
    starting at:
    Price: $3.50-$15.00